We've been able to do a handful of fun things this month, including the zoo, playing with friends, having Grandma Nancy come to visit, and a dance recitial. We have been busy little bees that's for sure! But one of Ella's favorite things to do when we do have some down time is to play hairstylist on daddy. About once a week, daddy will end up wearing pretty hair clips, colorfull headbands and even a shiney princess crown! Ella just loves it, but daddy...well, not so much, but he sure is a good sport!

At the zoo, we saw a baby giraffe that was taller than daddy, bears, rhinos, and Ella's favorite, the elephants! We also were able to have our new friend Eric over and Ella was such a great helper! She became a little concerned when Eric wouldn't use his fork to eat and so she decided to help him so he wouldn't make a mess! She is going to be such a good big sister!

Then of course, as most of you know, we had Ella's first ballet recitial last weekend. Grandma Nancy was down to visit and so she was lucky enough to be able to go with us. She and the rest of her class were Bo Peep's little lambs, ears included!

It was so cute and everyone loved it! One of the teachers told us later that just before she walked onto the stage, she proclaimed proudly, "Here I go!" And she was great! She watched "Bo Peep" very carefully and did her dance very precisely, just like she was supposed to! In my completely unbiased opinion, she was the best one! We did purchase a video, so when we come visiting over the next few months, we'll be sure to bring it along so that some of you will get the chance to see her dance.

In the group picture, she is the lamb that is centered, with her arms out, doing the dance! We were so proud of her, and when we told her how great she was, she sighed and said, "Yes, I really was." No self-esteem issues here! By the way, "baby Jordan" is doing well and is growing at a good rate. Mom just kind of feels more fat than pregnant right now, but that's okay! We should find out on Friday if it's a boy or a girl. Check out our week by week development chart on the top right of the page (as of May 19 we are 18 weeks along). Take care everyone and to those of you in California, we look forward to seeing you in just a few weeks!